Chazz Menendez is a veteran in the stunt industry with over 25 years of experience working as both a stunt performer and a stunt coordinator. Throughout those 25+ years he has gained an immense amount of knowledge by working hard, paying attention to detail, constantly learning, and consulting every stunt coordinator he has worked with for guidance. This accumulation of knowledge along with the passion to create a safer stunt community/environment is why he founded UATW Stunts.

Through this business he generated the curriculum providing people new to the industry, as well as the stunt community in general, with classes and training sessions. These sessions are geared towards focusing on safety, set etiquette, and enhancing skill sets, providing a knowledge base focused on safety.

UATW Stunts Fundamentals Curriculum:

  • UATW Stunts and the founder believe that being professional in all aspects of the film industry is our #1 objective. In addition to physically training, students will also learn many important fundamentals including:
  • “HOW” to think rather than “What” to think
  • Proper set etiquette
  • How to communicate with stunt coordinators as well as how not to communicate with coordinators
  • Do’s & Don’ts of Social Media etc.
  • As well as many more important skills

*At UATW we believe in addition to physical skill, these aspects are the key to having a successful career in stunts.  *

You will learn the proper techniques to “Hit the Ground Hard” in our classes. 
The floors are padded
Students are welcome and encouraged to put on additional padding
Padding up and training on concrete/wood floors is what it takes to be prepared to work as a Professional Stunt Performer. 

*  This class is merely a guideline.  You do not become a stunt performer overnight or solely on what you learn in this class.  How you lead your life outside of class dictates how you become a stunt performer. How much time you dedicate to training, learning, and hustling will make or break you in this industry. In the UATW classes you will learn all aspects of what it takes to become a successful stunt performer.